During each academic year at UCSB, the Institute for Energy Efficiency hosts a weekly seminar series, which is open to the public. Our seminars bring industry leaders and faculty to UCSB to give technical presentations, followed by Q&A with our faculty and students.

Some of our recent speakers have included Jay Hakes, presidential and energy historian; Andy Goes, Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide; Nick Hutzler, Physics Professor at Caltech; Bethanie Stadler, Professor and Associate Head of Computer Engineering the University of Minnesota.


We invite Institute faculty to nominate future seminar speakers. Please send your nominations to an IEE Staff Member.

Seminar Series Events
david rutledge

Energy Policy Tradeoffs

Dr. David Rutledge

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

matto mildenberger

The Politics of Energy Policy in California

Matto Mildenberger

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

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IEE 2.0: Towards the Next Generation of Research in the UCSB Institute for Energy Efficiency

Mark Abel | John Bowers

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

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John Bowers

Rusty's Pizza 5934 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117

Seminar Series

yangying zhu

Microscale Thermal-Fluids Engineering for Next-Generation Energy and Electronic Systems

Yangying Zhu

1601 Elings Hall

Seminar Series

mohsen imani

Towards Learning with Brain Efficiency

Mohsen Imani

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

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Reaching Critical Mass

Roland Geyer

McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB

Seminar Series

seung joon yoo

Redox-Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors: Electrolyte Design and Device Engineering

Dr. Seung Joon Yoo

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

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Efficient storage mechanisms for building better supercapacitors

Professor Mathieu Salanne

Materials Research Laboratory 2053

Seminar Series

firooz aflatouni

Electronic-Photonic Co-Design; from Energy Efficient Imaging to Optical Phase Control

Firooz Aflatouni

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

james e smith

A Roadmap for Reverse-Architecting the Brain’s Neocortex

James E. Smith

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

noah horowitz

The Path Towards a Safer Climate Future and How Energy Efficiency Can Help Us Get There

Noah Horowitz

ESB 1001

Seminar Series