During each academic year at UCSB, the Institute for Energy Efficiency hosts a weekly seminar series, which is open to the public. Our seminars bring industry leaders and faculty to UCSB to give technical presentations, followed by Q&A with our faculty and students.

Some of our recent speakers have included Jay Hakes, presidential and energy historian; Andy Goes, Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide; Nick Hutzler, Physics Professor at Caltech; Bethanie Stadler, Professor and Associate Head of Computer Engineering the University of Minnesota.


We invite Institute faculty to nominate future seminar speakers. Please send your nominations to an IEE Staff Member.

Seminar Series Events
william a. tisdale

Excitons, Entropy, and Nonequilibrium Transport in Semiconductor Nanomaterials

William A. Tisdale

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

kunal mukherjee

Tailoring Dislocations and Alloys for Better Semiconductor Devices

Kunal Mukherjee

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

ranjit deshmukh

Addressing Challenges to a Large-Scale Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy Future

Ranjit Deshmukh

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

adam brandt

Oil Production in a Climate Constrained World

Adam Brandt

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

daniel kammen

An Energy Plan the Earth Can Live With

Daniel M. Kammen

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

david pile

Demystifying the Nature Research Journal Editorial Processes

David Pile

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

tom may

Net Global Warming May be Caused by Something Besides Greenhouse Gas; Soot?

Tom May

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

houman homayoun

Towards Hardware Cybersecurity

Houman Homayoun

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

loai salem

Miniaturized Power Conversion Circuits for New Frontiers in IoT and Beyond

Loai Salem

ESB 1001

Seminar Series

larry coldren

Growth of Photonics Research at UCSB: Beginnings – III-V’s

Larry Coldren

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

eric masanet

Prospective Sustainability Assessment of Next-Generation Industrial Processes and Materials

Dr. Eric Masanet

Bren Hall Dean's Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Seminar Series

alberto salleo

Artificial Synapses made with Conjugated Polymers: A New Organic Device

Dr. Alberto Salleo

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

morgan pattison

The New World of Lighting: Directions and Applications Enabled by LED Technology

Morgan Pattison

1001 ESB

Seminar Series