During each academic year at UCSB, the Institute for Energy Efficiency hosts a weekly seminar series, which is open to the public. Our seminars bring industry leaders and faculty to UCSB to give technical presentations, followed by Q&A with our faculty and students.

Some of our recent speakers have included Jay Hakes, presidential and energy historian; Andy Goes, Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide; Nick Hutzler, Physics Professor at Caltech; Bethanie Stadler, Professor and Associate Head of Computer Engineering the University of Minnesota.


We invite Institute faculty to nominate future seminar speakers. Please send your nominations to an IEE Staff Member.

Seminar Series Events
andy boes

Lithium Niobate Photonic Integrated Circuits

Dr. Andy Boes

ESB 2001

Seminar Series

nick hutzler

Fundamental Physics and Quantum Science with Polyatomic Molecules

Professor Nick Hutzler

Room 1010 Lecture Hall

Seminar Series

leah stokes

2020-2021-Harold J. Plous Award Lecture

Leah Stokes

Alumni Hall, Mosher Alumni House

Seminar Series

mike ludkovski

Probabilistic Modeling of Renewable Energy Generation: Measuring Risk in Daily Grid Operations

Dr. Michael Ludkovski

1010 Henley Hall & Zoom

Seminar Series

george tzimpragos

Computing Using Time

George Tzimpragos

1010 Henley Hall & Zoom

Seminar Series

andreas rasmussen

Improvements of Electro-Optical Frequency Comb Implementations

Dr. Andreas Næsby Rasmussen

Hybrid Event - 1010 Henley Hall & Zoom

Seminar Series

bethanie stadler

Magneto-Optical Garnets for Energy Efficient Integrated Photonics Isolators

Dr. Bethanie Stadler

Hybrid Event - 1010 Henley Hall & Zoom

Seminar Series

katharine schmidtke

The Next Generation of Data Center Optical Networks Driven by Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Applications

Dr. Katharine Schmidtke

Hybrid Event - 1010 Henley Hall & Zoom

Seminar Series

galan moody

Quantum Computing with Light

Dr. Galan Moody

Virtual Zoom Event

Seminar Series

yufei ding

Quantum Computing Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Yufei Ding

Virtual Zoom Event

Seminar Series

eric masanet

Data Center Energy Analysis: Past, Present, and Future

Dr. Eric Masanet

Virtual Zoom Event

Seminar Series

joshua smith

Perpetual Computing: Technologies for Banishing Batteries

Dr. Joshua Smith

Virtual Zoom Event

Seminar Series

mahdi abu-omar

Upcycling Plastic into Useful Molecules

Dr. Mahdi Abu-Omar

Virtual Zoom Event

Seminar Series

circuit board closeup

Responsible Machine Learning Summit 2020

Various Speakers

Zoom Webinar

Seminar Series

aram amassian

Ink-Based Semiconductors: From in situ Investigation to Autonomous Experimentation

Dr. Aram Amassian

ESB 1001

Seminar Series