Quantum computing promises to transform society in all aspects, from the rapid discovery of new drugs and vaccines to improving supply chain efficiency, real-time optimization of transportation and navigation, and the secure storage and transmission of personal information. While there are several contenders for the physical implementation of quantum computers, integrated photonics is advantageous for several reasons. In this talk, I will discuss these advantages and provide an overview of the different chip-scale architectures we are developing at UCSB to build an efficient and scalable quantum photonic processor. I will highlight recent advances in this field, discuss our progress in tackling some of the key challenges, and present future opportunities that may enable large-scale quantum photonic computers.
Galan Moody joined UCSB as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2019. He received his PhD in Physics and BSc in Engineering Physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Prior to coming to UCSB, he was an NRC Postdoctoral Follow and Research Scientist at NIST. He is the recipient of the Air Force Young Investigator Program Award (2020) and the NSF CAREER Award (2021). He leads the Quantum Photonics Lab in Henley Hall and is a thrust co-lead for UCSB’s NSF Quantum Foundry.