Interferometers can very accurately detect very small variations of physical parameters like displacement, temperature, strain, etc. Integrating them on a silicon chip can dramatically increase their presence in the market due to cost and size reduction. In this presentation, I will overview recent progress in silicon photonics-based interferometers for sensing applications, and I will show different techniques to fabricate and interrogate them, together with some strategies to reduce unwanted effects such as temperature drift, fabrication deviations, nonlinearities, polarization dependence, etc.
Claudio J. Oton (born in Spain, 1978) received his degree in Physics in 2000 and PhD in 2005 in University of La Laguna (Spain). Then he spent 4 years in the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK as a post-doctoral researcher and Marie Curie fellow. In 2009 he joined the Nanophotonics Research Centre, in Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, (Spain) as a Senior Research Fellow. Finally, in 2012 he joined Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa (Italy) as an Assistant Professor. He works in the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence in the research group Photonic Sensing Integrated Systems. He is author of more than 150 scientific papers and conferences, and has participated in several international research projects and contracts. In particular he has recently coordinated several research projects in the topic of photonic sensing for different applications including aerospace, automotive, energy and biochemical sensing.