Florence Miskolczi stated in a series of four publications that there can be no Earth greenhouse gas warming because water vapor from the oceans will reconfigure to compensate for added anthropogenic gases. Yet satellite radiometer data shows 0.076 ±..012°C/decade warming in the Southern Hemisphere Troposphere and .21±.0.014°C/decade in the Northern Hemisphere troposphere for the years 1979-2007 for example. This factor of 2.7 ratio exists even though NOAA CO2 data show only a 5 ppm drop (~1 %) between Burrow and the South Pole. The NCEP/NCAR 40 Year Reanalysis Project Data model shows ~12% increase in water vapor near sea level between years 1948 and 2017 which is probably due to warming but ~4% decrease at 300 mb.which is near the range where water vapor emits to space in the Earth’s thermal spectrum producing cooling. This paper tests the hypothesis that this water vapor decrease is a significant portion of Miskolczi’s water vapor reconfiguration by running a MODTRAN6® radiation transport code for 1988 and 2015 using NOAA data for four greenhouse gases (CO2, O3, N2O and CH4) and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project plus Stratospheric Water and Ozone Satellite Homogenized (SWOOSH) database models for water vapor, leaving all other parameters fixed over time. Both analyses sets show anthropogenic greenhouse gas warming is at most a minor effect and supports Miskolczi’s principle although it may show a latitude effect where water vapor cools the equator and warms the polar region. Other water vapor reconfiguration effects such as cloud cover were not analyzed. My hypothesis is that the global warming is due to soot that mainly comes from Chinese coal burning. The reasons for this suspicion are presented.
Dr Tom May received his Bachelor of Physics degree in 1959, his MS with a physics major in 1961 and his PhD in physics in 1968 performing a sizeable gamma ray astronomy experiment for his dissertation. For 36 of the past 37 years he was Chief Engineer and co-creator of the TRW Electromagnetic Applications Center, Chief Scientist at a company that went from Spectrum Astro to General Dynamics to Space Sciences and a Consultant for Millennium Space. Prior to 1981, he spent 20 years as an Air Force Officer performing jobs in Radio Chemistry, Satellite Data Analysis, Plasma Physics Research, and Infrared Surveillance as well as completing his PhD program while in service. During his undergraduate and MS programs he worked in a cosmic ray research laboratory as a technician and Research Associate. He has been interested in climate change part time for about the past 20 years.