Students, New Graduates - Apply Now!
Win grants for moving cleantech technology from lab to product prototype and field testing with customes
Why you should apply
- $5,000-$50,000 in non-equity grants
- Work with Claifornia's biggest utilities
- Invitation to the DOE/Flow competition with $50,000+ in prizes
- Scale up and manufacturing expertise available
- Legal advice, discounted design engineering software for start-up
What it covers:
- Software or hardware technologies
- Topics: Energy Efficiency; Demand Response; Smart and Microgrid; Zero Net Energy technologies; Energy Storage; Data Analytics and Energy Management; Renewables and Agriculture/Water Energy Nexus
- Scope: product design and commercial engineering; equipment; software development; and mentoring for scale up and manufacuring
See our first successes: http://resnick.caltech.edu/n_rocket.php
Apply: https://syanchin.wufoo.com/forms/phut5wb0l3ku5x/ DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 30, 2016.
Information: Contact Stephanie Yanchinski stephanie.yanchinski@caltech.edu