Call for 2024-2025 Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE) Research Seed and IGSB SW Impact Grant Applications


UC Santa Barbara's Institute for Energy Efficiency is an interdisciplinary research institute committed to improving energy efficiency across three key “IEE 2.0” themes:

  • Smart Societal Infrastructure encompassing the Smart Grid and everything that attaches to it like cities, buildings, homes, vehicles and lighting, and everything that makes the Smart Grid work like control systems, a hierarchy of energy storage solutions, and market mechanisms.
  • Computing and Communications (C&C) including “Green and carbon neutral AI” for both training and inference, Carbon-neutral C&C from the cloud through the edge, energy efficient Quantum Computing, and Power Use Effectiveness (PUE) methods and improvement for IoT and across the computing landscape.
  • The Food-Energy-Water Nexus focusing on achieving energy-water resilience such as “Quadrupling the crop per drop”.


UCSB IEE faculty focus on areas like electronics and materials, computer science including AI/machine learning, energy policy, and in emerging fields like Quantum science to support and drive the interdisciplinary themes of the Institute.

Since 2019, IEE has provided research seed grants to faculty across the UCSB campus. This highly successful program has so far awarded 14 research seed grants (see below for details).  Researchers are encouraged to apply for the 2024-2025 IEE research seed grant program for amounts up to $50k. As in previous years, a proposal and review process will take place this summer with proposals due no later than Wednesday, July 31st. Multiple seed grants will be awarded. The anticipated award start date is October 1st.

In addition, we are pleased to also solicit applications for the 2024-2025 IEE Investment Group of Santa Barbara (IGSB) SW Impact grant program focusing on software for energy efficiency, including AI/machine learning. This program, which kicked off in 2022, has so far awarded 3 grants (see below for details) and is funded by a generous donation from IGSB. Researchers are encouraged to submit a proposal for 1 year funding in the range of $50k to $100k. Funding for subsequent years may be possible depending on progress during the first year.  A proposal and review process will take place this summer with proposals due no later than Wednesday, July 31st. Multiple grants will be awarded. The anticipated award start date is October 1st.
UCSB ladder faculty members of all ranks are eligible to submit proposals provided the research focuses on an energy efficiency related topic. UCSB graduate students and postdocs may apply but require the support of a faculty member in their area.
Application Process
Prior to submitting an IEE Research Seed or  IEE IGSB Software Impact Grant, researchers are welcome to obtain feedback on the project idea from Mark Abel at or John Bowers at Applications should be submitted online by emailing them to prior to the deadline and include the following components:

  1. A Three-Page Project Summary, including goals, impacts and timeline
  2. One-Page Budget (please contact Amanda Miller at for assistance)
  3. Two-Page CV for the Lead PI and any Co-PIs.

The maximum allowable request for funding for the IEE Research Seed Grant is $50,000 and the maximum allowable request for an IGSB software impact grant is $100,000.
Allowable expenses

  • Research assistance: UCSB graduate or undergraduate students; postdocs
  • Research expenses, supplies, & services
  • Travel: for the purpose of research, collaboration, or meeting with potential funding agencies

Review Criteria for IEE Research Seed Grants
We particularly encourage the submission of project proposals within our themes where IEE seed funding would make a big difference, i.e., potentially allow the recipient(s) to try something novel and innovative that might be in the early stages of development. We are also looking for projects that could lead to extramural funding through IEE.
Review Criteria for IGSB Software Impact Grants
We are looking to support high impact projects in software for energy efficiency and related areas where this funding level would provide a significant advance or reduction in risk. Ideas that could lead to commercialization and positive impact on society are encouraged.
Applying for one or both programs
You may designate an application for one or both programs. The same process will manage and review the grant applications for both programs. Please note that the criteria for selection are different for the two programs so please understand the criteria as you prepare your submission(s) and decide where to designate your submission. The IEE Research Seed program is more focused on driving forward new energy efficiency innovation across a broad research landscape and in allowing faculty to try something that will lead to extramural funding while the IGSB software impact grant is looking to support high impact projects in software for energy efficiency and related areas where this funding level could lead in a reasonable timeframe to commercialization and positive impact on society.
Reporting Requirements
A final report that summarizes the results of the project and how the funding moved this project forward is required. Reports are due 30 days after the award end date.

Waste Polymers to Valuable Carbons
Ram Seshadri, Rachel Segalman

Energy-Efficient Pre-Training of LLMs for Automatic Code Generation
Zheng Zhang

Energy-Efficient Computation by Compilation to Matrix Multiplications
Jonathan Balkind

Energy-Efficient Selective Membranes for Enhanced Biosensor Performance
Andrea Carlini


Energy-Efficient Hydrogen Production via Blue GaN Laser Diodes-driven Photocatalysis of Ammonia
Steven Denbaars, Shuji Nakamura, Phillip Christopher


SW Package to enable scale bridging between quantum description of matter and energy conversion and storage devices
Anton Van Der Ven, Scott Shell

Machine Learning for Day-Ahead Operational Solar, Wind and Demand Forecasting in Power Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energies
Ranjit Deshmukh

Microarchitectural Checkpointing For Energy Efficiency
Jonathan Balkind

Probabilistic Computing for a Green and Energy-Efficient Future
Kerem Camsari, Luke Theogarajan

Liquid-Metal Microfluidic Portable Energy Transducer (LIMMPET)
Sumita Pannathur, Carl Meinhart, David Weld

“Algorithm/ Hardware Co-Design of Energy Efficient Quantum Generative Learning with Integrated Photonics"
Galan Moody, Zheng Zhang
“Distributed and Safe Real-Time Control Mechanisms for Community Energy Management”
Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Ramtin Pedarsani
“Passive Water Harvesting Driven by Solar Energy and Radiative Cooling"
Yangying Zhu

"Sensing and Lighting for Citrus Unders Protective Screens"
Chandra Krintz, Steven DenBaars, Rich Wolski
"Synthesis and Advanced Magnetic Resonance Characterization of New Photoactive Materials"
Gabriel Menard, Raphaéle Clément
"Energy-Efficient Mixed-Signal Neuro-Optimization Hardware"
Dmitri Strukov
"Making AI More Energy Efficient"
William Wang, Xifeng Yan

Towards Efficient and Trustworthy AI from Both Model and Data Perspectives 
Shiyu Chang


Coloring Cryptocoins Green
Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski

Compact and Energy Efficient AI SW on Mobile Devices
Lei Li, William Wang