Research at the Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE) is organized into three interdisciplinary themes; Smart Societal Infrastructure, Energy Efficient Computing and Communications, and the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Projects within each theme attack critical energy-efficiency grand challenges by leveraging the expertise of UCSB’s acclaimed faculty, engineers and researchers to develop new technologies to improve energy efficiency and ensure a more sustainable future. IEE’s mission also includes expediting the commercialization of these technologies.
IEE research is funded through government grants, industry-sponsored projects, and generous donors. The Institute selectively supports emerging new directions in research by providing seed-funding or matching-grant funding to UCSB faculty. Additionally, the Institute facilitates and supports efforts to secure government and industry funding.
Research Themes
Projects within each theme attack critical energy-efficiency grand challenges to develop new technologies for improving and ensuring a more sustainable future.
Learn more about the IEE's research here.
Technical Foundation
Projects within each theme attack critical energy-efficiency grand challenges to develop new technologies for improving and ensuring a more sustainable future.

We thrive on the vital exchange of ideas and experiences across our intimate campus in one of the world’s most beautiful locations.
IEE by the Numbers
Facts show the impact of the Institute of Energy Efficiency
Nobel Laureates
Green School
acres on the California coast
majors, degrees, and credentials
faculty members
students enrolled
Dynamic Environment
Progressive + Pioneering
Socially Rewarding
“The cleanest power plant is the one you don’t have to build.”
“IEE’s award-winning research has been the foundation for numerous energy-saving innovations including energy-saving white light LED lighting, more energy efficient data-center communications and interconnects, and software that reduces energy usage in buildings worldwide.”