Please join us for a unique panel on the Future of Water in California bringing together leading farmers, government agencies, technology innovators, and sustainability experts. The panel will be in 1414 Bren Hall on April 12, 2019 from 3:30–5:00pm. California will experience a once-in-a-generation change with the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in 2020. Come and see how it will affect the food, energy, and water sectors.
The food-energy-water nexus is central to sustainable development according the United Nations Water initiative. In fact, over 94% of water withdrawals in the United States are to support those three sectors. Increase in population and reduction in groundwater reserves represent significant challenges to secure the future of California. Yet, the tight interaction of food production, energy generation, and water infrastructure in each region also represents tremendous opportunities for innovation and durable economic development. We will share experiences in California from coastal regions to central valleys. Together, we can create a durable future for water in California.