UC Santa Barbara
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Tuesday, April 26

8:00-8:30AM Registration
Continental breakfast & networking

8:30-8:45AM Welcome
Henry Yang, Chancellor, UC Santa Barbara
Gene Lucas, Executive Vice Chancellor, UC Santa Barbara
John Bowers, Director, Institute for Energy Efficiency

8:45-9:30AM Opening Keynote
Bill Brinkman, Director, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy
Clean Energy Research 

9:30-10:55AM      The Sunshot Initiative 
The Department of Energy's newest program aimed at reducing the cost of solar power to $1/Watt.
Moderator: Shayle Kann, Managing Director, Solar Research, Green Tech Media Research

Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Program Manager, Solar Energy Technologies Program, U.S. Department of Energy; Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The Sunshot Program 

Ryne Raffaelle, Director, National Center for Photovoltaics, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Current Trends in Photovoltaics 

Jack Peurach, Executive Vice President, R&D, SunPower Corporation
SunPower's Approach to the SunShot Initiative 

Lynda Ziegler, Executive Vice President, Power Delivery Services, Southern California Edison
Utility Perspectives On Possible $1/Watt Solar Power 

10:55-11:15AM Break

11:15AM-12:30PM Tomorrow's Grid – Prospects for a Smarter Energy Future
The current state of smart grid technology, integrating renewables into the grid, potential opportunities for energy efficiency, and issues including standards and security.
Moderator: Richard Harris, Science Correspondent, NPR

Chris Knudsen, Director, Technology Innovation Center, Pacific Gas & Electric
Building Facility Energy Efficiency 

Steve Hauser, Vice President of Grid Integration, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Building a Smart Green Grid 

Paul De Martini, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Innovation, Connected Energy Group, Cisco
Connected Grid: Powering End-to-End Communications 

12:30-2:00PM Networking Lunch
On the Monte Vista Lawn

2:00-3:15PM Research Highlights from the Institute for Energy Efficiency
The latest advances in energy efficiency research at UCSB, featuring new work on silicon photonics, battery storage, and solid-state lighting.
Moderator: Michael Witherell, Vice Chancellor for Research, UCSB

John Bowers, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering; Director, Silicon Photonics Center, Institute for Energy Efficiency, and Center for Energy Efficient Materials, UCSB
The Energy Efficient Photonics Revolution 

Dan Morse, Professor of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, UCSB
Biologically Inspired High-Power Batteries 

Jim Speck, Professor of Materials and Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors, UCSB
The end of the light bulb as we know it:  the dawn of Solid State Lighting 

3:15-3:45PM Break

3:45-5:00PM Energy-Efficient Supercomputing and Datacenters at Large Scale
A preview of the next generation of supercomputers and the enormous challenge exascale supercomputers face with regard to energy efficiency.
Moderator: Fred Chong, Computing Solutions Group Head, Institute for Energy Efficiency

Horst Simon, Deputy Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Exascale Computing: Applications Performance and Energy Efficiency 

Pradeep Dubey, Senior Principal Engineer, Intel
Exascale Computing: Challenges and Opportunities 

Bikash Koley, Senior Network Architect, Google
Scaling Challenges for Warehouse Scale Computers 

5:00-6:30PM Reception
At the Coral Casino Beach and Cabana Club, featuring local Santa Barbara wineries and seasonal fare

Wednesday, April 27

8:00-8:30AM Registration
Continental breakfast & networking

8:30-9:00AM Welcome
David Auston, Executive Director, Institute for Energy Efficiency
Jeff Henley, Chairman, Oracle Corporation

9:00-10:00AM California Perspectives on Energy and Efficiency Innovation
Highlighting advancements in energy efficiency and sustainable energy in the state.
Chair: Lois Capps, Congresswoman, California - 23rd District, U.S. House of Representatives
Moderator: Gregg Ander, Chief Architect, Southern California Edison

David Stone, Senior Vice President, Chevron Energy Solutions
A Plug for Energy Efficiency and Renewables 

JB Straubel, Chief Technology Officer, Tesla Motors
Electric Vehicle Technology Roadmap and Grid Integration 

10:00-10:30AM Office of Naval Research Efforts Supporting Energy Efficiency Targets
Dr. Julie Christodoulou, Director of the Naval Materials Division, Office of Naval Research
Efforts Supporting Energy Efficiency Supported by the Office of Naval Research

10:30-11:00AM Break

Commercialization of Energy Efficient Technologies
Expediting innovation from the lab to market in today's economy.
Moderator: Bill Barber, President, Southern California Chapter, Maverick Angels, LLC and Co-founder & CEO, ISOmatrix, Inc.

James G.P. Dehlsen, Principal, Ecomerit Technologies, LLC
The Role of a Commercial Development Laboratory for Sustainability Technologies 

Umesh Mishra, CEO, Transphorm
Want Watts? Waste Not 

KT Moortgat, Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures
Cleantech innovation and funding : a venture capital perspective 

12:15-2:00PM Lunch and Closing Keynote
Matt Rogers, Director, McKinsey & Company; former Senior Advisor to Energy Secretary 
Steven Chu