LED lighting is already saving massive amounts of energy as a more efficient replacement for simple lighting applications. Unlike previous efficient lighting technologies, LED offers higher efficiency without any compromise to lighting performance or quality. Beyond replacement of old technologies for simple illumination, LED technology can offer even further energy savings and additional benefits enabled by the new technology platform.
LED lighting can be designed to engage human non-visual physiological responses to improve wellbeing and mitigate the negative health impacts of electric lighting. Outdoor LED lighting can be designed and configured to minimize negative wildlife and sky-glow impacts. And, LED lighting systems can be designed to maximize efficiency at the source level but also efficiency of delivery and visual response for a given lighting task. This talk will cover LED component and lighting technology status, highlighting priority areas for R&D, as well as priority R&D areas in lighting science that can impact how LEDs are used and how lighting systems might change.
Morgan Pattison earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science at UCSB with thesis research on GaN micro-cavity LEDs under the guidance of Professor Shuji Nakamura. After graduating, Morgan worked for the U.S. Department of Energy Solid State Lighting R&D Program in Morgantown, WV as a Project Manager, managing DOE funded LED, OLED, and lighting R&D projects. After 2 years with the DOE, Morgan founded his own SSL technology consulting business, SSLS, and began working with a variety of clients, including investors, corporations, start-ups, lighting buyers, the DOE SSL Program, and other government agencies.