Subhendu Guha
Chairman, United Solar Ovonic
Elings Hall 1601
subhendu guha


During the last two decades, a phenomenal growth has taken place in the deployment of solar cells or panels. The market has grown from about 40 MW in 1990 to more than 1500 MW  in 2010, and the price of the panels has gone down from about $7 /watt to less than $2 /watt during the same period. Innovation has played a key role in reducing the cost of manufacturing of the cells and modules. The goal is to reach grid parity without any incentive or subsidy. Since the first invention of solar cells in 1954 using single crystals of silicon, many new technologies and materials have emerged as candidates for low cost solar cells. In this talk I shall discuss the status of the various technologies and outline the process by which an innovation in the laboratory is translated to a viable product with special reference to thin film silicon technology.


Subhendu Guha is the Chairman of United Solar Ovonic, world’s largest manufacturer of flexible solar laminates. Dr. Guha is an international authority in the science and technology of amorphous silicon alloy solar cells. His work has received many recognitions including the Bright Light Award from U.S. Department of Energy. He was also the recipient of World Technology Award in the Energy category in 2005 and PVSEC Award for outstanding contribution to science and technology of photovoltaic (PV) in 2009.