Kei May Lau
Henley Hall Auditorium 1010


GaAs/InP and related alloys, and Ill-nitrides are used for most high-performance device applications except CMOS logic. Optoeletronics, high frequency (RF to THz) and power electronics are dominated by III-V compound semiconductors. We will discuss various factors of nature, nurture, and culture leading to today's landscape.

Photonic integrated circuits made with compound semiconductors on native substrates are costly and limited in wafer size and throughput. There is no universal formula for combining the best of both worlds - high performance and specific functionality of compound semiconductors with the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Si integrated circuit manufacturability. Over the years, intense efforts have been made to incorporate high-performance III-V active devices on silicon, to be integrated with passive components and waveguides of si photonics. Heterogeneous integration techniques such as wafer bonding and die bonding (transfer printing) have been developed for this purpose. We have used such approaches to demonstrate and commercialize high-resolution micro-LED micro-displays.

To efficiently couple light between active and passive components for Si photonics, we recently developed a unique growth scheme - Lateral Aspect Ratio Trapping" (LART) to enable lateral selective epitaxy of device quality III-V materials right on top of the buried oxide layer of patterned silicon-on-insulator (SOl) wafers by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).

For fully vertical GaN trench MOSs grown on Si, balancing all the tradeoffs in terms of device structure, performance, process complexity and throughput is being considered.


Kei May Lau is a Research Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST). She received her degrees from the University of Minnesota and Rice University and served as a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst before joining HKUST in 2000. Lau is an elected member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of lEEE, Optica (formerly OSA), and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences.

She was also a recipient of the IPRM award, IET J J Thomson medal for Electronics, Optica Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, lEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award, and Hong Kong Croucher Senior Research Fellowship. She was an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices and Electron Device Letters, an Associate Editor for the Journal of Crystal Growth and Applied Physics Letters.