Over 40 years of thin film process innovations have helped enable the IC industry today to produce well over 1018 transistors per year at costs of nanodollars per transistor thereby empowering the information age. Likewise large area thin film manufacturing has dramatically improved the performance and cost of low cost displays over the past 15 years, enabling high definition video from the handheld to the wall mounted HDTV. The overwhelming societal and market pull today for new solutions in the field of clean energy offers an exciting opportunity to build on a similar base of technology. Through a combination of materials innovation and highly productive processing platforms we have the potential to enable new solutions for conservation, conversion and storage and thus profoundly change the economics of clean energy.
Dr. Mark R. Pinto is a Senior Vice President at Applied Materials, serving both as General Manager of the Energy and Environmental Solutions business and as the corporate Chief Technology Officer. As part of his role in developing new businesses for Applied, Dr. Pinto led the formation of Energy and Environmental Solutions to extend the company’s nanomanufacturing technologies into new markets, including its rapidly growing solar business. Prior to joining Applied, he spent 19 years with Bell Laboratories and Lucent Microelectronics, later spun off as Agere Systems, where he was involved in R&D and management of IC technology, optoelectronics and design. Dr. Pinto received bachelors degrees from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute and a masters degree and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He is a former Bell Labs Fellow, a Fellow of the IEEE, and the recipient of the 2008 J. J. Ebers Award from the IEEE Electron Devices Society for his contributions to semiconductor technology.