In this special year, The Institute for Energy Efficiency at UC Santa Barbara held three virtual workshops as part of the 2020 Emerging Technologies Review.
The ETR virtual workshops covered new developments in: Energy Efficient Clouds and Data Centers on October 2nd; Smart Societal Infrastructure on October 16th; and Food-Energy-Water on October 23rd. Each virtual workshop will feature world class experts and leaders in that arena from industry, academia and government.
Day 3: IEE ETR Food-Energy-Water Nexus Workshop
Friday, October 23rd | 9am-1pm PDT
This virtual ETR workshop focused on the food-energy-water nexus, that is the sustainable production of food, clean water, and energy to support a growing population. The workshop featured a talk from Stuart Woolf, the President and CEO of Woolf Farming and Processing, giving a perspective from the California Agricultural industry. Mr. Woolf is past Chairman of both the California League of Food Processors and the Almond Board of California. The workshop also included a keynote from Olivier Jerphagnon, CEO of AgMonitor Inc. on the use of big data analytics to support the agricultural industry, a talk by Professor Chandra Krintz on the UCSB SmartFarm projects, a talk on groundwater depletion from Professor Deb Perrone, and a keynote from Professor Steven DenBaars on using UV light to disinfect and sterilize, including for Covid-19. The workshop concluded with a lively panel session for these world class speakers to interact and discuss their views. Please join us!
All sessions were recorded. Videos available in the links below:
Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Olivier Jerphagnon - AgMonitor: Artificial Intelligence to Solve Practical Problems in the Food and Agriculture Sector
Chandra Krintz - UCSB: The SmartFarm Project
Deb Perrone - UCSB: Groundwater Depletion Amplifies the Water-Energy Nexus
Steve DenBaars - UCSB: Development of Ultraviolet (UV) LED Technology for Disinfection and Sterilization for COVID-19
Stuart Woolf - Woolf Farming and Processing: A Perspective from the California Agricultural Industry
Moderator: Bob Wilkinson - UCSB
Olivier Jerphagnon - AgMonitor
Chandra Krintz - UCSB
Deb Perrone - UCSB
Steve DenBaars - UCSB
Stuart Woolf - Woolf Farming and Processing