In this special year, The Institute for Energy Efficiency at UC Santa Barbara held three virtual workshops as part of the 2020 Emerging Technologies Review.
The ETR virtual workshops covered new developments in: Energy Efficient Clouds and Data Centers on October 2nd; Smart Societal Infrastructure on October 16th; and Food-Energy-Water on October 23rd. Each virtual workshop featured world class experts and leaders in that arena from industry, academia and government.
Day 2: IEE ETR Smart Societal Infrastructure Workshop
Friday, October 16th | 9am-1pm PDT
This virtual ETR workshop focused on Smart Societal Infrastructure, that is, the evolution of the smart power grid and anything that connects to the grid to support a more sustainable, resilient, and carbon-aware future while meeting the growing electrical power demands of our society. It included a keynote on electric vehicles and the grid from Dr. Sila Kiliicotte, CEO of eIQMobility, a presentation of the key issues in moving towards a zero-carbon electric grid by David Erne from the California Energy Commission, a power utility update from Gary Barsley from Southern California Edison, a talk on the smart grid and markets from Professor Mahnoosh Alizadeh and a talk on machine learning for energy efficient buildings from building systems entrepreneur and Professor Igor Mezic.
All speakers were recorded. Videos are available in the links below.
Smart Societal Infrastructure
Sila Kiliccote - eIQMobility: From Demand Response to Fleet Electrification: A Search for High Impact Solutions
Raphaële Clément - UCSB: Towards the Next Generation of Energy Storage Solutions for the Grid and Electric Transportation
Igor Mezic - UCSB: Improving Building Energy Efficiency through Machine Learning
Gary Barsley - Southern California Edison: Southern California Edison Grid Updates / EV Plans
Mahnoosh Alizadeh - UCSB: Real-Time Control Mechanisms for Community Energy Management
David Erne - California Energy Commission: Towards a Zero-Carbon Electric Grid
Panel Session: Towards a Smart Societal Infrastructure Built on a Smart Grid
Moderator: Igor Mezic - UCSB
Mahnoosh Alizadeh - UCSB
Sila Kiliccote - eIQMobility
Gary Barsley - Southern California Edison
David Erne - California Energy Commission
Closing Talk
Sangwon Suh - UCSB: Moving Bits Not Watts