In this special year, The Institute for Energy Efficiency at UC Santa Barbara held three virtual workshops as part of the 2020 Emerging Technologies Review.
The ETR virtual workshops covered new developments in: Energy Efficient Clouds and Data Centers on October 2nd; Smart Societal Infrastructure on October 16th; and Food-Energy-Water on October 23rd. Each virtual workshop featured world class experts and leaders in that arena from industry, academia and government.
2020 Event Speakers
Day 1: Energy Efficient Clouds and Data Centers (View Agenda)
Raj Yavatkar, Juniper Networks: The Revolution in Data Center Communications and Interconnects
Nicola Peill-Moelter, VMWare: Hunting Zombies for Fun, Profit, and Sustainability
Rich Wolski, UCSB: Energy Efficiency on the (IoT) Edge
Katharine Schmidtke, Facebook: Cloud-Scale Interconnect Architectures in the Context of Hardware and Software Codesign
Daniel Blumenthal, UCSB: Low Energy Frequency Stabilized Coherent WDM for Data Center Interconnects
Robert Blum, Intel: The Promise of Co-Packaged Optics: Paving the Way for Improved Power Efficiency, Size, and Cost
John Bowers, UCSB: Photonic Integration for Data Centers
William Wang, UCSB: Towards Dramatically Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Machine Learning
Tim Sherwood, UCSB
Jonathan Balkind, UCSB
Brent Gorda, ARM
Michael Haney, ARPA-E
Nicola Peill-Moelter, VMWare
Raj Yavatkar, Juniper Networks
John Bowers, UCSB
Alexis Bjorlin, Broadcom
Robert Blum, Intel
Gordon Keeler, DARPA
Kaushik Patel, Cisco
Clint Schow, UCSB
Day 2: Smart Societal Infrastructure
Sila Kiliccote, eIQMobility: From Demand Response to Fleet Electrification: A Search for High Impact Solutions
Raphaële Clément, UCSB: Towards the Next Generation of Energy Storage Solutions for the Grid and Electric Transportation
Igor Mezic, UCSB: Improving Building Energy Efficiency through Machine Learning
Gary Barsley, Southern California Edison: Southern California Edison Grid Updates / EV Plans
Mahnoosh Alizadeh, UCSB: Real-Time Control Mechanisms for Community Energy Management
David Erne, California Energy Commission: Towards a Zero-Carbon Electric Grid
Sangwon Suh, UCSB: Moving Bits Not Watts
Towards a Smart Societal Infrastructure Built on a Smart Grid
Igor Mezic, UCSB
Mahnoosh Alizadeh, UCSB
Sila Kiliccote, eIQMobility
Gary Barsley, Southern California Edison
David Erne, California Energy Commission
Day 3: Food-Energy-Water
Olivier Jerphagnon, AgMonitor: Artificial Intelligence to Solve Practical Problems in the Food and Agriculture Sector
Chandra Krintz, UCSB: The SmartFarm Project
Deb Perrone, UCSB: Groundwater Depletion Amplifies the Water-Energy Nexus
Steve DenBaars, UCSB: Development of Ultraviolet (UV) LED Technology for Disinfection and Sterilization for COVID-19
Stuart Woolf, Woolf Farming and Processing: A Perspective from the California Agricultural Industry
The Food-Energy-Water Nexus
Bob Wilkinson, UCSB
Olivier Jerphagnon, AgMonitor
Chandra Krintz, UCSB
Deb Perrone, UCSB
Steve DenBaars, UCSB
Stuart Woolf, Woolf Farming and Processing