The Institute for Energy Efficiency at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites you to attend the annual 2019 Emerging Technologies Review on Thursday, May 16th. This all-day review (8:30-5pm) will feature several speakers, covering new developments in areas of energy and energy efficiency.
Divided into several distinct sessions, industrial and academic speakers will cover a broad range of topics in areas such as Production & Storage, Computing & Datacenter Energy Efficiency, Food-Water-Energy Nexus, and Societal Energy Infrastructure.
Lunch will be provided for all registered attendees.
John Bowers, UCSB: IEE - A New Focus for Energy Efficiency
Gary Barsley, Southern California Edison: SCE - Assessing New Energy Technologies for Our Customers
Eric McFarland, UCSB: Transitioning to a Hydrogen Energy Economy with the Help of Natural Gas
Rich Uhlig, Intel - Keynote Speaker: New Compute Models to Power the Data Revolution
Brent Gorda, ARM: ARM Entering the Data Center Business - What to Expect
Mark Honer, VMWare: Compute Inefficiency: the Low Hanging, Costly, and Overlooked Fruit
Chandra Krintz, UCSB: Energy Efficient Software Development for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Peter Stricker, Ecomerit: Coastal Water Security with Distributed Offshore Reverse Osmosis
Brian Tarroja, UC Irvine: Navigating the Design Space of Trajectories Toward Low/Zero-Carbon Energy Systems in California
Ranjit Deshmukh, UCSB: Cutting-Edge Modeling Tools to Enable Low Carbon Grids