The Institute for Energy Efficiency (IEE) at the University of California, Santa Barbara would like to invite you to attend an Emerging Technologies Review, Friday May 27th. This review will cover new developments in areas of energy and energy efficiency. Recent progress of IEE industrial partners and other local companies will be highlighted. Advances in energy generation and grid storage will be discussed, along with energy efficiency improvements in areas such as irrigation, motors, power electronics, and photonics.
John Bowers - IEE: Science & Technology for an Efficient Energy Future
Roger Helkey - AIM Photonics Overview
Jim Nelson - Sunworks: Take Your Power Back
Olivier Jerphagnon - PowWow Energy
Jim Fiske - Gravity Power Plants: Next Generation Pumped Storage Hydro
Jim Dehlsen - Ecomerit
Steve Denbaars - Laser Diodes for Energy Efficient Light Sources
Eric McFarland - Nuclear Technologies
Xue Huang - HPE
Alex Fang - Aurrion
Umesh Mishra - Transphorm
Evan Frank - Efficient Control of Low Inductance Permanent Magnet Motors