All News
car sticker

New Material Makes It Easier to Store Lots of Natural Gas

Work done at the University of California, Berkeley, shows how it may be possible to store natural gas more efficiently in cars using a…


NIHF introduction

Shuji Nakamura inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame

For inventing the blue light-emitting diode, UCSB and Institute faculty member Shuji Nakamura will be inducted into the National…

Awards and Accolades

Chandra Krintz Ted Talk

Transforming Us Into a Society of Food Producers

Computer Science Professor Chandra Krintz recently gave a TEDx talk about how the same data analysis and prediction techniques used by…

Industry and Business

keystone pipeline protest

Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

President Obama announced that he had rejected the request from a Canadian company to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline, ending a seven…

Industry and Business

David Auston

Toward Carbon Neutrality

A group of 200 scientists and scholars, including IEE's Executive Director David Auston, gathered at UC San Diego Oct. 26-27 for the…

In the News

solar thermal power

Solar Thermal Power Heats Up Outside the U.S.

Solar thermal energy has long been undermined by cheaper natural gas and conventional photovoltaics in the United States. Outside the U.…

Industry and Business

solar panels

Solar Cells; High-quality Perovskite Materials Developed Capable of Utilizing Long-Wavelength Sunlight

The National Institute for Materials Science has developed a method for manufacturing perovskite materials with a wider absorption…


blue globe

Peering into Energy's Crystal Ball

McKinsey's predictions about energy were broadly on target in 2007. Here's how things could turn out dying the next eight years.

Industry and Business

foam batteries

New Foam Batteries Promise Fast Charging, Higher Capacity

Startup Prieto Battery is developing 3-D "foam batteries" with the potential to be cheaper, smaller, more energy efficient, and more…


David Auston receving award

Institute's David Auston Named 2015 Sustainability Champion

Congratulations to our executive director, for being named Sustainability Champion for 2015! The CA Higher Education Sustainability…

Awards and Accolades

solvent steps

Solvents Save Steps in Solar Cell Manufacturing

Advances made at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory make the manufacturing of ultra-thin films for solar panels…


carbon nanotube

IBM Reports Breakthrough on Carbon Nanotube Transistors

As more and more silicon transistors are needed for increasingly complex and efficient computer chips, manufacturers look for…

Industry and Business

globe in grass

Walmart, McDonald’s and 79 Others Commit to Fight Global Warming

A collection of more than 80 American companies including Walmart, Alcoa and Coca-Cola have agreed to a White House-led plan to combat…

Industry and Business

molecular accordion

'Molecular Accordion' Drives Thermoelectric Behavior in Promising Material

New research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory explored the physics behind tin selenide, the world's best thermoelectric material,…


presentation at the 2015 Year of Light symposium

Let There Be Light

UCSB's Daily Nexus covers the key moments of the 2015 International Year of Light. This year's symposium featured the world's pioneers…

In the News

organic semiconductor

Organic Semiconductors Get Weird at the Edge

New findings at the University of British Columbia show that organic materials have significant impacts on the electrical properties of…
