Newsletter: November 2009
To begin this newsletter, it is my pleasure to welcome David Auston as the new Associate Director of the Center for Energy Efficient Materials (CEEM) at UC Santa Barbara. David brings a wealth of experience to the Center from his previous appointments, most notably as president of Case Western Reserve University and as the first president of the Kavli Foundation.
Newsletter: Spring 2010
The Institute continues to build an exciting series of programs and events. In the past two months, we hosted an Executive Roundtable on Fast-tracking the Adoption of LED Lighting and an Energy Leadership Lecture by Amory Lovins, Cofounder, Chairman, and Chief Scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
Newsletter: Winter 2010
As the Institute for Energy Efficiency celebrates its second successful year this month, exciting news keeps pouring in and shows no signs of slowing down. Hot off the press, Google awarded a two year, $1 Million grant to a team led by the Institute's Computing Solutions Group Head Fred Chong for research on saving power in data centers.