Increased Energy Efficiency via Programmable Irrigation and Fertigation
Award Period:
Award Amount
Agency Name
California Energy Commission (CEC) via PowWow Energy, Inc.
PI Name
Roland Geyer
Area/s of Research:
Policy & Sustainability
The basic technologies to reduce energy in agriculture and water sectors have been demonstrated and deployed in one form or another. A farm can reduce the amount of water over a plant growing season (advanced irrigation schedules and micro-irrigation systems), or reduce the discharge pressure to the irrigation system (low pressure nozzles), or improve the efficiency of the pump (pump tests and variable frequency drivers). However, their impact is limited because they are either disconnected from farming practices or because they are not integrated together, therefore reducing the amount of energy saved. We have observed first-hand multiple examples of this fundamental design flaw. Integrating all the technologies in a way that is consistent with farming practices is the new frontier to reduce water and energy inputs while maintaining or improving crop yields. PowWow Energy (PE) is proposing to test three new strategies that can provide together over 20% additional energy savings and 15% additional water savings compared to existing energy efficiency programs or commercial irrigation offerings.