Umesh Mishra
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Umesh Mishra’s research interests include energy efficient high-speed transistors, optoelectronics, semiconductor device physics and advanced processing and integration techniques. A recognized leader in the area of high-speed field effect transistors, Mishra’s current research attempts to develop an understanding of novel materials and extend them into applications such as group three nitride (III-N) based high-efficiency solar cells and high-efficiency gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs.
Solid State Lighting & Energy Center, Executive Committee Member
Interdisciplinary Center for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Member
Center for Energy Efficient Materials, Member
He joined the ECE Department at UC Santa Barbara in 1990 from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University. A recognized leader in the area of high-speed field effect transistors, Mishra has made major contributions at every laboratory and academic institution for which he has worked, including Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California; the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; and General Electric, Syracuse, New York. He has led the development of GaN-based electronics at UCSB in part through the generous support of several MURI centers of which he has been the Director.
2012 Heinrich Welker Award
2007 IEEE David Sarnoff Award
2006 IIT Distinguished Alumnus Award
1995 IEEE Fellow
1989 NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
BT: Indian Institute of Technology (1979)
MS: Lehigh University (1981)
PhD: Electrical Engineering, Cornell University (1984)
2215C Engineering Science Building
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080