Jon Schuller
Associate Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering

At a fundamental level, our research concerns novel physical phenomena that occur when light interacts with objects of subwavelength dimensions. As engineers, we exploit these discoveries to make smaller, faster, and more efficient photonics technologies. The essential constituents of these investigations are individual subwavelength elements we refer to as "optical antennas". We are particular interested in antenna-like effects arising from oriented multipolar resonances in dielectric and molecular constituents. We study how these effects lead to novel optical properties in engineered metamaterials and organic semiconductors respectively. We use engineered nanoantennas as model systems for understanding and influencing electromagnetic phenomena in atoms and molecules. Ultimately, we hope this research will lead to a future where optical properties are controlled and engineered at the atomic or molecular level.
After graduating in 2009, he took a position as a Fellow of the Energy Frontier Research Center, where he applied nanophotonics concepts and techniques towards the fundamental study of solar cell materials and optics. In 2012 Schuller became a "born-again Gaucho," joining the ECE department as an Assistant Professor.
BS: Physics, UC Santa Barbara
PhD: Applied Physics, Stanford University
3221C Engineering Science Building
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080