Daniel Morse
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Daniel Morse conducts research at the intersection of biotechnology and nanotechnology in a new interdisciplinary collaboration that combines the approaches of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology with Materials Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He and his laboratory are discovering the molecular mechanisms governing biomineralization, and are using these mechanisms to develop new strategies for the synthesis of high-performance, nanostructured composite materials for tomorrow's advanced optoelectronics, microelectronics, catalysts, sensors and energy transducers. Together with colleagues at the Center for Energy Efficient Materials, Morse is working on bio-inspired solar products and high-power batteries by improving our understanding and control of heterogeneous materials that are engineered or templated at the nanoscale. These developments offer tremendous opportunities for future improvements in the performance and cost of photovoltaics and energy storage.
Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, Founding Director
Center for Energy Efficient Materials, Member
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Member
American Chemical Society, Member
Materials Research Society, Member
Morse was appointed the Silas Arnold Houghton Associate Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School before joining the faculty of UC Santa Barbara. At UCSB, he was the founding Director of the Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (in which capacity he served for six years) and the Marine Biotechnology Center.
1971 Career Development Award, NIH
1973 Faculty Research Award, American Cancer Society
Distinguished Faculty Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1985 Smithsonian Institution Regents Fellow
1986 AAAS Fellow
BA: Biochemistry, Harvard University (1963)
PhD: Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1967)
3155 Marine Biotechnology Lab
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080