Carlos Levi
Materials, Mechanical Engineering

The overarching theme of Carlos Levi's research is the fundamental understanding of microstructure evolution, with emphasis on structural alloys and ceramics, and the application of this understanding to the chemical and microstructural design of coatings, composites and monolithic systems. Much of his current research focuses on materials which would enable more efficient and environmentally cleaner energy and transportation technologies. He also has had a long-standing interest on metastable structures evolving from processes characterized by large departures from equilibrium, starting with rapid solidification and currently emphasizing vapor deposition and synthesis of inorganics from precursors.
Center for Multifunctional Materials & Strcutures, Member
International Center for Materials Research, Member
Alcoa Power and Propulsion, Technical Advisory Board Member
Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Member
Levi joined the faculty at UC Santa Barbara in 1984 and holds a joint appointment in Materials and Mechanical Engineering. He oversees the Structural Materials Processing Laboratory and is a participant in the Center for Multifunctional Materials and Structures, the Pratt & Whitney Center of Excellence in Composites, the Materials Research Laboratory and the NSF-sponsored International Center for Materials Research.
2008 NIMS Award
2002 Alexander von Humboldt Forschungspreis
1990 Significant Contribution Award, MST Division of the American Nuclear Society
1983 Howe Medal, ASM International
2012 American Ceramic Society Fellow
MS: Metallurgical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne (1977)
PhD: Metallurgical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne (1981)
1361D Engineering Science Building II
University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080