Newsletter: Summer 2013

Summertime has arrived and we have lots of exciting news to share from the past 3 months. The highlight of the Spring quarter was our Summit on Energy Efficiency on May 1-2. The event was a huge success and VIDEOS of all sessions are now available for viewing on the 2013 Summit website. Also in this issue we are pleased to announce that our Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Technology Roundtable report is now available for download. Read on to find out more about other Institute news, faculty awards and research breakthroughs. We appreciate your continued support and partnership in our mission to create a more energy-efficient future.
John Bowers Dave Auston
Director Executive Director
Institute News
2013 Summit on Energy Efficiency - Session Videos Now Available
The Institute hosted the UC Santa Barbara Summit on Energy Efficiency on May 1-2, 2013, at theFess Parker Resort near downtown Santa Barbara. The event was very well received, with keynote talks delivered by Steven Chu, Michael McQuade, George Crabtree, and Kateri Callahan.
The focus of this year's Summit was Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future, which brought together leaders from industry, academia, national labs and government who gave their insights on the materials challenges, opportunities and latest developments relating to key technologies impacting energy efficiency. Visit the Summit's program page to watch newly released videos of speaker presentations.
ICT Technology Roundtable Report Released
The Institute has released a report detailing the findings of our recent Technology Roundtable on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Core Networks: Towards a Scalable, Energy-Efficient Future. This two-day event in February brought together leading industry stakeholders to identify the technological and architectural advancements that will be required in transmission, switching and routing to develop energy-efficient next generation core networks. Click here to read the full report.
Fellowship Awards Available for Advanced PhD Candidates
The Institute is now accepting nominations for the 2013-2014 Peter J. Frenkel Foundation Fellowships, which are available to graduate students who have advanced to doctoral candidacy. The deadline for nomination is July 26, 2013. Institute faculty members can submit nominations, or students may nominate themselves. Please click here for more information on the fellowships and to apply.
Institute Welcomes Two New Industry Partners
The Institute is pleased to announce Hewlett Packard and CALIENT Technologies as the latest members of our Industry Partners Program. The Industry Partners Program supports the programs and operations of the Institute and the commercialization of energy-efficient technologies by fostering collaborative interactions between partners and the Institute. We look forward to working with HP and CALIENT over the years ahead.
Faculty & Research News
Institute Faculty Members Reveal Cause of LED Droop
Researchers at University of California, Santa Barbara, in collaboration with colleagues at CNRS-École Polytechnique in France, have conclusively identified Auger recombination as the mechanism that causes light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to be less efficient at high-drive currents. Until now, scientists had only theorized the cause behind the phenomenon known as LED "droop," a mysterious drop in the light produced when a higher current is applied. The cost per lumen of LEDs has held the technology back as a viable replacement for incandescent bulbs for all-purpose commercial and residential lighting. Read more about this breakthrough research on our website.
Galen Stucky Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Institute faculty and UC Santa Barbara professor of chemistry and of materials, Galen Stucky, was elected to be a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for his excellence in original scientific research. Membership in the NAS is one of the highest honors given to a scientist or engineer in the United States. Stucky will be inducted into the academy next April during its 151st annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Read the full news release here.
John Bowers Receives UCSB Faculty's Top Honor
John Bowers, director of the Institute for Energy Efficiency and professor of electrical and computer engineering and of materials at UC Santa Barbara, has been named Faculty Research Lecturer for 2013. The award is the highest bestowed by the university on one of its faculty, and Bowers is being recognized for his "groundbreaking scholarship, outstanding research contributions and scientific leadership." Click here to read the full news release.
Science & Energy News
Energy 2030 Report Recommendations
How can we double energy productivity using cost-effective technologies and practices? Download the report by the Alliance Commission on National Energy Efficiency Policy to find out. Michael McQuade, Senior VP of United Technologies and a member of the Institute's Global Advisory Board, was a member of the commission.
UCSB Ranked #2 for Science Impact
UC Santa Barbara was ranked #2 in the latest rankings by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. UCSB was ranked second behind MIT, so we are actually the #1 public institution for scientific impact. The ranking is a compilation of the top 500 universities worldwide with the largest publication output in the Web of Science database. To read more, click here.