Henley Hall Laboratory Update - Dec 2020

With the Institute for Energy Efficiency’s state-of-the-art Henley Hall now up and running, we have safely opened 6 of 17 planned labs. Information on each of the six labs is outlined below:
Galan Moody
Lab Name: Quantum Photonics Lab
Research Area(s): Quantum Information
Our lab develops integrated photonic and optoelectronic technologies for a wide-range of applications ranging from quantum computing to communications, networking, and sensing. Our efforts are focused on addressing important challenges in these areas through the discovery of new quantum materials and nanostructures, fabricating quantum photonic devices utilizing fundamentally new concepts and prototypes, and developing ultra-sensitive measurement techniques and instrumentation.
Dan Blumenthal
Lab Name: Optical Communications and Photonic Integration Laboratory
Research Area(s): Photonic integration, ultra-low-loss silicon nitride spanning visible to infrared wavelengths, high-spectral-purity narrow linewidth laser sources for precision metrology and quantum communications, energy efficient terabit optical communications
Our lab designs, fabricates, tests, and integrates photonic devices and systems in silicon nitride. These devices leverage the low optical loss of silicon nitride to realize novel functionality such as ultra-high-Q waveguide resonators, narrow linewidth on-chip laser sources, and photonic molecules. We demonstrate these devices operating at the system scale in applications ranging from atomic-referenced metrology, to low power, ultra-high-capacity optical communications for tomorrow’s energy efficient hyperscale datacenters
Chandra Krintz & Rich Wolski
Lab Name: The UCSB Lab for Research on Adaptive Computing Environments (RACELab)
Research Area(s): Internet-of-Things and Cloud; Programming and cloud computing systems; ML & AI at the network edge; End-to-end performance/behavior/power analysis and adaptation; Distributed, sensing, and resource constrained systems
More info can be found here.
Philip Christopher
Lab Name: Christopher Research Lab - Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
Research Area(s): Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Photocatalysis, Energy efficient chemical conversion, Sustainable Chemistry
Catalytic processes are relied upon for the manufacturing of trillions of dollars per year of products. Increasing demands for efficient, environmentally friendly chemical processes rely on the development of novel catalytic materials and processes. We take a multidisciplinary approach to engineer catalytic reactions towards these goals.
John Bowers
Lab Name: Photonic Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Research Area(s): Mid-infrared heterogeneously integrated lasers and silicon photonic devices, Photonic Integration for visible wavelengths, Integrated quantum silicon photonics, Electronic-Photonic Packaging
Our lab features test beds on optical benches for characterizing passive silicon photonics devices, heterogeneously integrated lasers, and processes packaging of tested devices in ready to be plugged modules.
William Wang
Lab Name: Responsible AI and Natural Language Processing Lab
Research Area(s): Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision
The UC Santa Barbara Responsible AI and NLP group studies the theoretical foundation and practical algorithms for AI and language technologies. We tackle challenging learning and reasoning problems under uncertainty, and pursue answers via studies of machine learning, deep learning, and interdisciplinary data science. Broadly, we are interested in designing scalable inference and learning algorithms to analyze massive datasets with complex structures. In particular, our lab concentrates in the areas of information extraction, computational social science, energy-efficient AI, knowledge graph, learning to reason, dialogue systems, language & vision, summarization, statistical relational learning, reinforcement learning, structure learning, and deep learning.