Konstantin K. Likharev
Professor of Physics, Stony Brook University
Harold Frank Hall 1132
konstantin k. likharev


I will review physics of the so-called "thermodynamic limit" on the energy consumption at computation, and C.Bennett's idea of reversible computing, which allows that limit to be avoided. Unfortunately, even if implemented in hardware virtually free of static power consumption (such as Parametric Quantron circuits), a genuinely reversible computation would require exponentially large resources. Selective reversibility sacrifices may sharply reduce this hardware overhead, but still leave the circuit speed and defect tolerance relatively low. The implementation of reversible computing in CMOS circuits, with their final static power consumption, adds additional challenges. I believe that the future of this concept will depend on the progress of IC patterning and 3D integration.


Konstantin K. Likharev received the Candidate (Ph.D.) degree from the Department of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia in 1969, and the habilitation degree of Doctor of Sciences from the Higher Attestation Committee of the U.S.S.R. in 1979. From 1969 to 1988 Dr. Likharev was a Member of Research Staff of Moscow State University, and from 1989 to 1991 the Head of the Laboratory of Cryoelectronics of that University. In 1991 he assumed a Professorship at Stony Brook University (Distinguished Professor since 2002). During his research career, Dr. Likharev worked in the fields of nonlinear classical and dissipative quantum dynamics, and solid-state physics and electronics, notably including superconductor electronics and nanoelectronics. He is an author of more than 250 original publications, 75 review papers and book chapters, 2 monographs, and several patents. Dr. Likharev is a Fellow of the APS and IEEE.