Keynote Speaker: Daniel Morse
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, UC Santa Barbara
Cabrillo Pavilion Arts Center
daniel morse


Renewable energy is unpredictable...flooding the grid one day and abandoning it the next. One answer to the grid challenge could be to store these peaks of energy.  However, today's batteries do not have nearly the capacity and they are an environmental fiasco. This Forum will bring one of the leading cleantech venture groups in California, Angeleno Group, a start-up in high powered batteries, LifeCel Technology, and an expert in the flaws in the current technologies together to discuss recent breakthroughs in energy storage. LifeCel Technology Inc. is a Santa Barbara start-up spun out of UCSB to scale-up and commercialize recent breakthroughs from Professor Morse's lab.  LifeCel's new materials are enabling major improvements in next-generation batteries and fuel-cells.